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About Us

Kairos Counseling Center is a private, not-for-profit community-based agency dedicated to providing quality, affordable, counseling services on a no-wait basis to individuals, couples, and families.
What Makes Us Unique
Families, couples and individuals in crisis situations often wait three to six weeks for help from community agencies. Kairos Counseling Center is committed to a no-wait policy. Requests for service are responded to within 24 hours. The average waiting time between the initial call and the first counseling session typically does not exceed seven working days.
Kairos uses the “family systems” approach to therapy. As such, in addressing our client’s needs, Kairos staff takes into account how problems affect, the different environments in which people live and work. Kairos staff also specializes in a team approach to counseling, offering an added dimension in certain therapy situations.
Who we are and why we began…
In 1975, there was a limited number of family therapy services available to people of all income levels in the Elgin area. Existing community services were overloaded with clients. Concerned about the need for counseling from a family perspective, two mental health professionals and a minister approached a local church for rent-free space and a loan to get started. Kairos Counseling Center was on its way.
Today, Kairos Counseling Center is operated as a private, not-for-profit agency by a Board of Directors representing a cross-section of the area’s business, educational, and religious leadership. All staff have master's degrees and specialized training in couple and family therapy.
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